Tuesday 29 May 2012

Bye bye blogger...hello WORDPRESS:)

Ok people. As with anything new it evolves....so I have some good news. My blog has moved to wordpress, you can follow my blog at www.faylicious.wordpress.com.

Stay blessed and beautiful.


Tuesday 8 May 2012

O no no no I aint slow....

Ps. 119:99

I was talking with a friend of mine and they were complaining about their childs learning ability, she said "(child's name) is slow, (child's name) does not know anything".
Gastropoda Snail from Image sourced from /www.freeanimalswallpapers.com

It got me thinking about my life when I was younger, believe it or not I could not read properly...but Lord knows, I could talk!lol. My mum was worried about my reading level, so guess what she did?...She gave me the Bible to read!lol. Apparently when I started I was reading it I was saying "and Jesus went to the shop he saw a hippo. He bought a sweet and chocolate cake...", basically I was not making any bit of sense! However after a few months my mum saw an improvement in my reading. I got so good that at school I was called to read announcements and all. God is faithful like that. My ability and capability to learn did not just happen overnight as my mum prayed and started putting her faith to action by ensuring I read the Bible and all the classic 1990's book (oops, I am giving my age away!).

As I have grown older I have learnt that people have different learning styles. So here is my mathematical learning style equation: identifying your learning style + applying the technique = super super smart genius! Below are the different learning styles:

- Visual - needs and likes to visualise things (creates mental pictures)
- Auditory - thinks in words and verbalises concepts
- Kinesthetic - processes knowledge through physical sensations
Source from BBC

I learnt that I had a different way of processing/learning information. I stood on God's word and studied hard.

I will indeed testify for He has made me wiser than my teachers, not to be arrogant but to show forth His glory.

Finally, I encourage you to always stand on God's word, don't give up. My question to you is do you know and understand the way you learn?


Ps. 119:99

Thursday 3 May 2012

I do not like Nike but I sure do like their Slogan

Images sourced from soleofthegame and pastorerickson

Ok before you Nike lovers shoot me, I am just saying! I do not like Nike but I can't fault them on their brilliant slogan (tag line).

I guess this dislike for Nike started back in Secondary School when I was studying Humanities and we learnt how companies like Nike (who un/fortunately were our case study) exploited factory workers in Developing Countries. Hmmm...thinking about it I guess you can say I was brain washed by my teacher/ educational system and from that point I have vowed to never (well as much as possible and so far have not) to wear anything branded Nike. I can hear some of you saying "like hello most brands exploit those in Developing Countries (blah blah blah)". I agree but hey - that's just me..!

So I LIKE the slogan "Just Do It". A friend suggested I start writing a blog and I was thinking of a million and one reason why not to do it. So I prayed and just felt like the Nike slogan "Just Do It". Since then I have been getting ideas - Elohim (God who is the eternal creator, He keeps creating and creating). I was thinking o no people are going to now know my thoughts and opinions on my chosen topics (sounds crazy but I am pretty private person)....what convinced me? Well one of my friends said it will be an avenue to pREACH (out), in essence REACHing out beyond the four walls of church.

So this is my first blog entry and I will start blogging about things I like:
- God (There is no God like Jehovah:) )
- Business (I am interested in marketing and look to showcase up-and-coming business leaders/innovators)
- Hair and Fashion (looking at the blogs and videologs of others)
- Relationship (for the singles, courting and looking at successful marriages)

Finally, I encourage you to "Just Do It" and let your net down from your boat and see what you catch. What has God told or is telling you to do, my advice is........."JUST DO IT!"
